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How Binge-Watching Affects Your Oral Health

August 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brsdentistry @ 2:14 am
Closeup of remote control pointed at TV unadvised by Richmond dentist

Binge-watching TV shows is a popular pastime for many of us these days. Instant access to hours of entertainment and the default option to auto-play one episode after another makes it easy to spend countless hours watching an entire show. Marathon-viewing doesn’t just change how we consume content, but also how we consume food while enjoying said content. Read on as your Richmond dentist explains how some of your favorite showtime snacks may be affecting the health of your smile.


While popcorn is a classic treat to enjoy while watching movies and TV shows, it can pose quite a problem for your teeth. Popcorn kernel shells are notorious for lodging themselves between your teeth and gums, where they can stay stuck for weeks on end. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can potentially lead to tooth decay or an infection in your gums. What’s more, chomping down on an unpopped kernel hidden in your popcorn can easily chip or crack your teeth! The more you binge-watch and munch on popcorn, the more likely you are to damage your teeth and gums.


When you’re itching to watch that next episode, you don’t want to stop to make dinner or lunch. Instead, many people order fast food or get takeout. While these options are more convenient, they’re usually brimming with refined sugars that dramatically increase your risk of cavities. Additionally, you’re more likely to eat much more than you need or want when you’re distracted by watching TV. Take a break and try to cook your own meals for a change! Not only will you be able to choose healthier ingredients, but you’ll save a few dollars as well.


Just like popcorn, soda is a popular choice while watching movies or shows. It’s also a common addition to takeout or fast food meals. Unfortunately, soda is high in both sugars and acids, which mean it burns through your enamel much faster than other snacks or drinks, especially if you sip it over a long period of time. Swap it out for a glass of water instead to prevent cavities and wash away any lingering particles in your mouth.


Do you like to unwind at the end of a long day with a glass of wine and your favorite show? While this is a common way to relax, the acidic nature of wine demineralizes your enamel, making it much more susceptible to cavities and discoloration. If you choose to indulge in a glass, remember to brush your teeth 30 minutes after finishing it to help protect your teeth.

It’s easy to forget about everything else when you get cozied up in front of your screen. Don’t let your watching habits affect your oral health! Swap out those unhealthy snacks with water and fibrous fruits and vegetables, get up and stretch occasionally, and don’t put the rest of your life on hold for a TV show!

About the Practice

The talented team of Brown, Reynolds, Snow, and LeNoir Dentistry is proud to serve the smiles of Richmond, VA with award-winning dentistry. They take the time to get to know each of their patients in order to create meaningful relationships and custom treatment plans. From quick cleanings to more extensive dental work to the best ways to care for your smile at home, they’re dedicated to helping everyone achieve and maintain a happy, healthy set of pearly whites that last a lifetime. To learn more, feel free to contact them via their website or at (804) 288-5324.

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