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5 Surprising Medical Conditions Your Dentist May Find at Your Checkup

September 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — brsdentistry @ 8:38 pm
man sitting in dental chair and smiling at dentist in Richmond

You might think that during your biannual checkup, your dentist in Richmond is only checking to see whether you have any cavities. However, they’re actually looking at all of the parts of your mouth to make sure you’re healthy. This allows dentists to make surprising discoveries about your health. Did you know that certain medical conditions can display oral symptoms? That means your dentist might diagnose you before your doctor does! Here are five health problems your dentist might find at your next checkup.

1. Crohn’s Disease

This type of inflammatory bowel disease can cause swollen lips and distinctive dime-sized ulcers on the insides of the cheeks. These ulcers typically have a white center with a red circle around it. If your dentist suspects you may have Crohn’s disease, they’ll perform a thorough examination to rule out oral cancer and gum disease. They’ll likely ask you about your medical history and recommend that you see your primary care doctor.

2. Diabetes

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can contribute to various oral health problems such as gum disease and dry mouth, especially when your blood sugar levels are not under control. However, these symptoms can also be caused by poor oral hygiene in general. If you’re at a higher risk for diabetes, your dentist may suggest you see your primary care doctor for a blood test. Getting diagnosed and controlling your blood sugar levels is key to maintaining excellent oral health.

3. Heart Disease

Red, swollen, or bleeding gums may all be early indicators of cardiovascular problems. The bacteria associated with gum disease could travel to your heart through your bloodstream, creating blood clots or building up plaque in your arteries.

4. Rheumatoid Arthritis

The telltale signs of this autoimmune disease are pain and swelling in your joints, but it may also present symptoms in your mouth, especially in younger people. Swelling or aching in your jaw joint could be signs of rheumatoid arthritis. Not being able to open your mouth very wide is another symptom.

5. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Also known as acid reflux, GERD is characterized by instances of stomach acid rising up into the esophagus, or “food pipe.” In some cases, the acid can even reach the teeth, eroding enamel and causing lesions to form near the back of the mouth. While GERD is often recognizable by the uncomfortable heartburn it causes, some patients may not even know they have GERD because it only flares up while they’re sleeping. Your dentist can detect signs of this condition and help you figure out where to go from there.

Regular dental checkups do a whole lot more than let you know whether you have cavities. By examining your mouth, your dentist can determine whether you should be evaluated for various other medical issues. To make sure your mouth and body are as healthy as can be, schedule your next checkup with your dentist in Richmond today!

About the Practice

Our talented team of dentists at Brown, Reynolds, Snow, and LeNoir Dentistry is proud to meet the dental needs of the Richmond, VA community. During checkups, they take the time to get to know you so they can create personalized and effective treatment plans. We believe in the power of preventive care in maintaining a healthy mouth and body. To schedule your next checkup, visit our website or call (804) 288-5324.

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