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What Should You Eat (and Avoid) After Dental Implant Surgery?

July 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brsdentistry @ 6:53 pm
Smiling woman eating salad after dental implant surgery in Patterson

Dental implants are very popular not just for their looks and longevity, but functionality as well. Once they have had time to heal and integrate with the jaw, eating your favorite foods feels almost indistinguishable compared to natural teeth! However, immediately after dental implant surgery in Patterson, you’ll need to make sure you aren’t putting your tooth replacement in harm’s way. Here’s what you should be eating (and avoiding) during the first week or so after your implants begin the healing process.

Foods to Avoid at All Costs

The surgical site where the implants were placed is very sensitive immediately after treatment is complete. It’s important that you take good care of your mouth over the next several days to ensure no interruptions or complications during the healing process. To prevent these hiccups, avoid the following until the dentist gives permission for you to consume them again:

  • Hot or spicy foods (in terms of temperature and high Scoville level as these can irritate the implant site)
  • Alcohol (which can delay the healing process and increase the risk for pain and swelling)
  • Chewy or sticky foods (which can cause discomfort because they require excessive chewing)
  • Examples of foods to avoid include nuts, popcorn, chips, crackers, and candy

Foods to Stock Up On Ahead of Surgery

The good news is there are still several options immediately available to you even after completing implant surgery. These foods are ideal after just about any oral surgery, not just dental implant placement. They include:

  • Applesauce (not just for its texture, but because it’s high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber)
  • Broth-based soups that are only warm at most, not hot
  • Mashed potatoes (which are soft, high in fiber, and easy to add flavorings to like cheese, gravy, and butter)
  • Yogurt (this makes a great sweet option, just make sure to avoid adding nuts or candy to it)
  • Instant oatmeal (best to eat a few days after your surgery)

When Can You Eat What You Want Again?

It really depends on how quickly your implant is healing with your gum tissue. This can vary depending on how much rest you get, your diet, and your oral hygiene routine. The dentist and their team will break down everything you need to know before you head home, but generally speaking, patients can continue eating their favorite foods after about one to two weeks of healing.

Keep in mind that it’s really the first 24 to 48 hours that matters the most when it comes to your diet. Dentists want to ensure patients don’t accidentally cause the stitches in their gum tissue to come out prematurely. If you need additional guidance, get in touch with the dentist who performed your dental implant surgery in Ridgefield directly!

About BRSL Dentistry

The team at BRSL Dentistry consists of dentists who are experts not just in the placement of dental implants, but the restorations used to cover them as well. They can keep every phase of your dental implant treatment under one roof, saving you additional trips to an offsite implant specialist and keeping your fees more compact. To schedule a dental implant consultation or ask questions about aftercare, you can contact them through their website.

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