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4 Denture Cost Factors

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brsdentistry @ 3:33 pm
Pair of dentures holding a dollar bill

The ideal denture treatment will strike the right balance of quality and cost. A very high-quality one won’t do you any good if it’s too expensive. Likewise, you wouldn’t prefer an affordable denture if it doesn’t meet critical needs. Still, this knowledge alone isn’t enough to make the best selection. After all, how do you find the artificial teeth that meet these criteria?

Here are four factors that tie into the cost of dentures. Learn about them to know which treatment helps your smile the most!

Denture Material

The cheapest economy dentures use a brittle plastic — pink-colored for the base and white-colored for the teeth. These dentures’ teeth wear down with use, and their bodies crack easily. They also may not fit as well as better quality ones. As a result, economy dentures are usually short-lived and need replacing every couple of years.

In contrast, higher-quality dentures have an acrylic body with acrylic or porcelain teeth. They’re much stronger, look more natural, and last 5-7 years on average. Of course, they also tend to be pricier.

Denture Type

The cost of your dentures will also depend on which of two types you get: partial or complete. The former is often less expensive than complete dentures. However, individual partials can still differ in quality and price.

Partial dentures only replace a few missing teeth. To remain secure, they lock on to the natural teeth you still have. The cheapest economy partial will be made from pink plastic and have bent pieces of wire that wrap around teeth. Meanwhile, a better-made one will have a thin metal framework with cast metal clasps custom-fitted to your teeth.

Denture Treatment’s Location & Specialist

Dentures’ prices can fluctuate based on the places and sellers involved. Separate locations have varying labor costs, so different dentists may charge more or less for the same treatment. On the other hand, a specialist may sell higher-quality dentures exclusively while another only has cheaper models. All this being the case, it’s important to do your research before letting a dental professional work on your teeth.

Denture Financing Options

Most dental insurance policies include restorative coverage, meaning they cover up to 50% of dentures’ cost. Since regular deductibles and co-pays still apply, patients would still have to pay a sizable amount.

When having insurance pay part of the cost of your dentures, note your timing. Buying dentures in a year when you’ve already had other dental procedures means your coverage could be less than 50%.

If all goes well, you’ll wear your dentures for years to come. You should remember the above factors so the time and money you spend on them is well worth it!

About the Practice

Brown, Reynolds, Snow, LeNoir Dentistry is based in Richmond, VA. Their practice offers comprehensive dental treatments for all ages, letting families find care in one convenient location. Their procedures are also personalized to meet each patient’s unique needs and wants. They’re ready for any challenge, from checkups and cleanings to more advanced services like dental implants and cosmetic dentistry. For more information or to book an appointment, they can be reached at their website or by phone at (804)-288-5324.

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