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Do Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products Work?

July 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brsdentistry @ 1:08 am
person using over-the-counter teeth whitening products
Chalabala/Getty Images

For many, having a nice smile means white, healthy-looking teeth. after years of consuming red wine, tea, coffee, and cola, your smile likely doesn’t look as bright and white as it once did. There are a range of products on the market that are available at many grocery and drug stores and claim to be able to remove these stains, but do they actually work? Read on to learn about whether store-bought teeth whitening products work, the risks associated with them, and why seeking treatment from a professional is the better option.

Do Over-the-Counter Whitening Products Work?

Some patients find success in using over-the-counter teeth whitening products. Even so, they often offer results that don’t match what people are looking for. There are several reasons why store-bought teeth whitening products aren’t that effective.

One reason is because bleaching trays in store-bought kits aren’t customized. This means that sometimes they won’t fit correctly or might leak product, which can irritate the sensitive tissues in your mouth. Another common issue is that the whitening agents are often diluted by one’s spit, which makes them less effective.

If you opt for whitening strips only, they’ll likely only cover the front few teeth. This causes uneven product distribution and can make your results look patchy. Whitening toothpaste can sometimes remove stains, but the abrasives in them can scratch your enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to decay.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Is the Best Option

Though over-the-counter teeth whitening products are easy to find and purchase, that doesn’t mean that they’re a good idea. If you want to improve the look of your smile, visiting your dentist is your best bet. There are several benefits of professional teeth whitening, including:

  • Licensed dental professionals – Cosmetic dentists have done extensive training on administering whitening treatments. This means that they know how to properly use the products to give you safe, reliable results.
  • Stronger ingredients – The ingredients contained in professional teeth whitening products are much stronger and more effective than what you can get over-the-counter.
  • Speedy results – Since in-office whitening treatments only take about an hour to complete, this means that you’ll be able to achieve dramatic results in just one appointment. Take-home custom teeth whitening trays perfectly fit your pearly whites and can give you amazing results within two weeks.

Some over-the-counter teeth whitening products offer some results, but professional services are still the better option. They’re safer, more effective, and will give you the gorgeous results you’re looking for!

About the Practice

Brown Reynolds Snow LeNoir Dentistry is the home of five talented dentists who take pride in helping patients achieve beautiful beams that they’re proud of. They offer cosmetic dental services like professional in-office and take-home teeth whitening to improve the look of your pearly whites in no time. Are you ready to schedule an appointment or do you want more information about their teeth whitening services? If so, call Brown Reynolds Snow LeNoir Dentistry’s Patterson office at (804) 288-5324, their Ridgefield office at (804) 754-4161, or visit their website to get started.

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