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Why Does My Dentist Need to Take X-Rays?

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brsdentistry @ 8:20 pm
dental taking dental X-rays in Richmond

Have you recently visited your dentist for a routine checkup and cleaning? Did they end up taking dental X-rays of your pearly whites? While your dentist is professionally trained to spot concerns in your smile with their eyes, they can also use advanced technology to look under the surface. Read on to learn why taking X-rays helps preserve your oral health and what to expect from the process!

What Are Dental X-Rays For?

An X-ray is a kind of imaging that can allow your dentist to look beneath your soft tissues and at the bone structure. Since many dental concerns can remain hidden and only show obvious signs when they’ve already advanced, this process becomes an essential part of dentistry. Your dentist will want to assess the roots of your teeth, your jawbone, and the spaces between your pearly whites. Dental X-rays can present the following images:

  • Tooth decay underneath fillings
  • Small cavities or signs of decay between teeth
  • Bone loss in the jaw caused by gingivitis or osteoporosis
  • The position of existing or erupting teeth
  • The development or presence of wisdom teeth
  • Underlying cysts and other kinds of tumors
  • Dental infection or abscesses around your roots

How Often Are Dental X-Rays Required?

If you’re visiting a new dentist for the first time, they’ll likely want to take X-rays of your smile so that they can get a panoramic image of your oral health. Afterward, they may only take these images depending on your dental situation. Your dentist might only take X-rays every several years if your teeth and gums remain in pristine condition. If you’re experiencing issues like decay, gum disease, or more serious complications, then they’ll need to take an image as often as twice a year. By doing so, they can catch and address early indications of oral health problems that can cost you time, money, and stress in the future.

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

Some patients may be hesitant to have an X-ray taken, as these images are closely associated with radiation and health concerns. However, thanks to advancements in modern dentistry, dental X-rays are typically digital, making them much safer. This reduces the amount of radiation you’re exposed to by about 95%. You can expect much lower risks of complications while your dentist more accurately evaluates your oral health.

Dental X-rays are some of the safest and most commonly used technologies for preserving your smile. Feel free to speak with your dentist if you have any further questions, and they’ll be glad to tell you all about them!

About the Author

Dr. Stephen C. Brown earned his dental degree from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. He’s delivered outstanding care for over four decades and is a member of the American Dental Association and the Virginia Dental Association. He utilizes numerous modern and high-quality dental technologies, including all-digital X-rays. If you’d like to learn more about this dental technology, feel free to visit our website or contact our Patterson location at 804-288-5324 or our Ridgefield location at 804-754-4161.

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